“Skinny foot, fat foot” sang Maddie as we stomped through Walnut Park on our way to Our Best Friends this morning. “Little foot, big foot. Rat foot, Maddie foot. Tromp. Tromp. Tromp.”

“That’s a funny little song,” I said, walking double-time to keep up.

“It’s a funny little foot,” replied Maddie, stopping at the bandstand and inspecting her paw. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen it, with the bandages and cone and all, I must have forgotten it was so small. Compared to the other one, that is.”

“Oh, Maddie,” I said, scratching her ear. “I don’t think you need to worry about it. Give it a little bit of time, and I’m sure your feet will match again before too long.”

“I hope so,” answered Maddie. “Because right now, I feel a little bit lop-sided.”

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