Third time’s the charm.

I have the best intentions in writing these reviews. I believe that brewing is one of the hallmarks of civilization, and that by sharing my thoughts on quality adult beverages with you, I somehow enrich your lives.

Thing is, some of these adult beverages can be a bit strong. And I’ve reached the point a few times, mid-way through a bomber of fine ale, where I’ve said to myself, “This is quite good, but there’s no way I’m gonna be able to objectively review this one tonight.”

So tonight, I’m (once again) knocking back a Butchertown Black Ale, from San Francisco’s Speakeasy Brewing. For the third time. Because at 8.2% alc/vol, this one packs a wallop

Butchertown Black Ale pours deep brown-black with an inch-thick toffee-colored head that collapses to a thin cap, leaving splatters, rings, and dashes of lacing down the glass. Toasted malt, chocolate syrup, and spicy hops on the nose. Taste is dark malt sugars, burnished barley, peppery hops. Bakers’ chocolate and a touch of tobacco. A pinch of grapefruit citrus bitterness lingers. Lightweight, creamy mouthfeel. Tongue-tickling carbonation. Deceptively easy-going and drinkable, this one has a habit of lolling you into comfortable submission, then sneaking up on you and BAM!, right in the head. Recommended, but take precautions.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

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