One of the risks in reviewing adult beverages: a high ABV may lead to a missed review. That’s what happened with Knee Deep Brewing Company’s Hoptologist DIPA, which I purchased, photographed, and enjoyed a couple weeks ago, but forgot to write a review. At 9% and 102 IBU, this one packs a wallop, so in the interest of SCIENCE! here’s a second attempt:

Hoptologist pours bright, clear, golden amber with a thick finger of off-white creamy head. Notable retention; thin tentacles of lacing on the glass. Roast caramel, citrus, and grass on the nose; a little skunky, but floral and bright. Big bitter bite up front; hops, caramel, and toasted brown sugar on the tongue. Hops, citrus, and pine attack the palate as it warms. Almost overbearing. Boozy-sweet. Dry, bitter finish. Insanely bitter, but tempered well. A standout among Cali DIPAs.

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