“Are your friends weird?” asks Maddie.

“I’ve got some weird friends,” continues Maddie. “This weekend, we stopped by Our Best Friends so that I could order new tags. While we were there, Hannah Banana and Emma Parsley decided to have an impromptu cute-off…”

“‘I’m the cute one,’ declared Hannah. ‘And I’ve got a chicken.’

“‘Nice chicken,’ answered Emma Parsley. ‘But I’m cuter.’

“‘No,’ replied Hannah, ‘You’re mistaken. I’m the cute one. It’s in my contract.’

“‘Contract, schmontract,’ said Emma. ‘I’m cuter. Look at this nose. This nose is the very definition of cute.’

‘I’m the cute one,’ insisted Hannah. ‘Look at this nose.’

“‘Yikes!’ said Emma, skittering backwards and up to the safety of a chair. She peered over the edge. ‘Okay, you win. You’re the cute one.’

“See what I mean? Weird.”

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